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Hints to Help You

To give you the "heads up" for your time on Koh Lanta and in Thailand, we have put together some helpful information to ensure you hit the ground running and get the best from your travels.

Getting to Koh Lanta

Usually any traveler wishing to experience Koh Lanta will spend at least some time in Bangkok.​


So after everything the city has to offer, how do you get to the beach?


Useful Information

Holidays & Festivals

Koh Lanta is a vibrant mix of different cultures and beliefs. 


Never more obviously seen than via the diverse festivals and celebrations you will find on the Island throughout the year

To help you get the most from your stay on Koh Lanta, here is some useful infomation to help you plan your trip.

Money, time and weather - all the important stuff.

Thai Culture

When we visit a country it is always in our best interest to observe local customs or beliefs.

By doing this we are mindful travelers and do not make our lives unknowingly difficult.


Sometimes the brave traveler will learn some of the local language to better engage the people they meet.


So with the Thai language, where do you start?

Getting Around

Thailand is inexpensive and easy to get around and Koh Lanta is no exception. 


Here are some budget friendly methods of transport to get you around the island or to different places in the region.

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