Some Khmer Basics to get you started:
Hello - Suosday
Yes - Baat (for man) Cha (for woman)
No - Otay
Please - Suom
How are you? - Daa neh sok sabbai te?
I'm fine, thanks - La'or, arkhun
Nice to meet you - Reek ree-AY dae bahn skoal loak
Excuse me/Sorry - Sohm toh
I (don´t) understand - Khnum (at) yol
Where is a toilet/hotel? - Noev ey na bongkun/santhakea?
Thank you (very much) - Akun jann
You´re welcome - Sohn anjoe-in
Goodbye - Lia suhn hao-y

Language Tips
Sometimes the braver traveler will learn some of the local language to better engage the people they meet.
Although, you really shouldn’t struggle with finding English speaking people in the tourist or main cities, you will find French spoken mainly by older people. However, the majority of Cambodia speaks Khmer.
Derived from an ancient Indian Sanskrit, Khmer is similar to both Thai and Lao alphabets, as they were developed from this language.

1 Muoy
2 Pee
3 Bey
4 Buon
5 Pram
6 Pram-muoy
7 Pram-pee
8 Pram-bey
9 Pram Buon
10 Dorp
11 Dorp Muoy
12 Dorp Pee
13 Dorp Bey
20 Mphey
30 Sam sep
40 Sae sep
50 Haa-sep
100 Muoy-roy
500 Pram-roy
1000 Muoy-pin
5000 Pram-pin